Tuesday 24 July 2018

Because she’s a girl

Gender norms are social norms that relate specifically to gender differences.Social norms are developed and enforced by institutions that shape the values, roles, and interactions upheld within a society. In Bangladesh, many oppressive gender norms are upheld by patriarchal power structures, undermining the well-being of half our population: The girls.
Bangladeshi Village girl

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Media Protrays Poverty

                            Media Portrayals of Individuals in the Lower Class and
                                Its Effects on Attributions of Educational Hardships

This study investigated how media portrayals of individuals in the lower class affect people’s beliefs about educational hardships in lower socioeconomic areas. Specifically, this study looked at the attributions of these hardships to determine if media consumption had an effect on the internality of attributions. It was hypothesized that increased media consumption would be related to an increased tendency toward internal attributions. It was hypothesized that increased media consumption would lead to lower support for policy changes regarding education.

Stories and pictures in the mass media form an important basis for creating opinions of ‘the poor’ and welfare recipients. The media content influences who we think these people are, how we think they behave and what we think should be done to either help or punish them. In The Rise and Fall of Social CohesionChristian Albrekt Larsen illustrates how the US and UK are caught in a vicious circle. High levels of poverty and a targeted welfare system produce a large volume of newsworthy negative stories, which make further punishment the most likely political response. Who would want to help scroungers and spongers? In contrast, Sweden and Denmark are caught in a virtuous circle. Low levels of poverty and a universal welfare system reduce the amount of newsworthy negative stories and allow room for stories about the deserving poor. Who does not want to help our ordinary fellow citizens in need? Here, he describes his research.